The Making of "Angry Bob"

- I Love Silly Things

Working on "Angry Bob" was just too fun to not write something about it. I haven't seen the other games yet, but I'm absolutely sure mine is a planet away from using the limitation the best way, and an entire galaxy from using the theme the best way. But! Working on this silly idea was for sure the most fun I have with game development since my last game, "A Letter to Zoe." By the way, when I say "fun" is in the sense of laughing... A lot... While making it, especially when I made the ending where Bob destroys the universe(This is so funny in my head that I can't even explain it). 

- Angry Bob

In regards to the theme and limitation of the jam, I know it definitly wasn't the best use of them, but maybe just enough to be acceptable I guess. The "Style" aspect of the game(Bob's wonderful hat), was in fact not planned at all, and only added when the game was almost finished. But, in all honesty, I think my use of the limitation makes a lot of sense(but feedback is appreciated). The "Ruined Warrior" has a limited amount of carrots(On a budget) and if he uses them... He dies.

The idea of the game itself was having this cute, silly creature that is actually pretty dangerous and non-ironically has the power to destroy the entire universe. So the name of the game is "Angry Bob" because I wanted a name that sounded silly(Bob), and a adjective that would have a contrast with his the silly nature of the game(Angry). Thus, with the addition of "dialogue", screen shake, sound effects, and a small animation that changes Bob's color when angry, I could communicate that besides looking very silly, when angered, Bob becomes extremely dangerous.

-What's Next?

Because of how fun working on this project was, I will for sure follow this approach of just experimenting with silly ideas and seeing what comes out of it. However, I will probably use 3D for my next games because I think its cooler than 2D. Maybe I will try experimenting with digital art before moving completely to 3D, but at the end of the day it all depends on the ideas I get.

Oh and by the way, in case you, dear reader, didn't discovered the secret to defeat Bob, all you have to do is not feed him any carrots and wait 30 seconds. I mean, Bob will only demand more carrots... If he eats one in the first place...

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7 days ago

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